Friday, December 19, 2014


"Psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one proposes to express — verbally, by means of the written word, or in any other manner — the actual functioning of thought."

Breton's Surrealist Manifesto, 1924

Students in Mr. Boccini's Studio Art Classes explored the ideas of Surrealism. They collected a random groups of magazine images, anything that caught their eye. One image became the basis for an "environment" in which to place other images. Some use of geometric perspective was required in each composition, but it could be distorted or manipulated. Part of the image used Stippling (a shading technique using dots.)

Collage, oil pastels, sharpie markers, watercolors, tempera paint and colored pencils were used in these mixed media images.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Printmaking Logo

What logo catches your eye? What does it tell you about the company? Why do most logos have a color scheme?
Students in Miss Church's Studio art class have been looking at different logos and questioning what the company wants them to know. Why certain colors catch your attention and how a simple logo can go a long way.
After looking at different logos and color families, students created their own personalize logo on a linoleum.
Students had to create a logo and draw it on linoleum 

Then they had to carve out the negative space

Next students made prints!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Studio Art - Ms. Bianco

Students worked with oil pastels to create Animal Portraits. Not only did they need to understand color and color mixing they had to focus on texture and composition.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Color Wheel Project

Students in Miss Church's studio art class have been learning about the color wheel and color families. First they made a color wheel with the primary, secondary, and teritary colors.  Next they created a tint and shade for each color.
Here are some examples:

                                   Color Families Project

After creating a successful color wheel, students created a rotating image that portrays four color families. They were to create an original design and rotate it clockwise.  This created a symmeterical image.  Students could choice from primary, secondary, teritary, analogous, monochromatic, warm, cool, or neutral color families.

Check out some of the artwork here or come visit the high school art wing to see it in person!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Shape to Form

Students in Miss Church's studio art class have been learning how to make a shape look like a form on a 2D surface.  Students learned about artists such as Rembrandt and Cezanne. 

To make circles look like spheres, students had to use different shading techniques, include a horizon line, light source, and shadow.  Students worked with black sharpies, compasses, and watercolor paint.
shading techniques

watercolor wash

Apple Still life

Next, students used apples as their focus to practice their shading and blending techniques. Students were introduced to warm, cool, and neutral color families. We worked with colored pencils and oil pastels. Using the same objectives, students were able to create apples that look like forms on a 2D surface.
apple study in color pencil

apple study in oil pastel

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Students in Ms. Church's studio art class have been learning about negative and positive space, texture, and value! Students created a contour drawing of a bicycle and then made different designs with value to create implied texture.

Here are some examples:

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sculptural Pumpkins

Three Dimensional Designs first major project is paper mache pumpkins.  They created a newspaper armature and covered it with additional newspaper strips dipped in a mixture of flour and water to create the paste.  When the pumpkins form was finished, the students designed faces and cut out the negative space with an x-acto knife.  When the sculptural portion of the project was completed, the students used acrylic paints to complete their piece.

Pumpkin 1

Pumpkin 2

Pumpkin 3

Pumpkin 4

Pumpkin 5

Pumpkin 6

Pumpkin 7

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

3D Spheres!

Students in Miss Church's Studio Art class have created 3 dimensional spheres to hang around the school building.  Students learned about radial design, complementary, and analogous colors.  Students were able to create twelve symmetrical shapes and designs.  Next they assembled all the shapes to create a form. 

Check out some of the students' work in the display case just up the stairs and to the left from the high school main entrance. 

Creating radial design shapes
3D spheres! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Photograms, sometimes known as "shadow pictures" were first created by American photographer Man Ray. The images are made by positioning objects over enlarging paper and then projecting light on them. Areas that are completely covered will develop out white and those areas illuminated by the enlarger light will be black. Different values of gray will occur when some light passes through and object or wraps around a curved object. Our photography students experimented with both found objects and cut paper stencils to create these images.







Found Objects and Splattered Color