Monday, October 20, 2014

Sculptural Pumpkins

Three Dimensional Designs first major project is paper mache pumpkins.  They created a newspaper armature and covered it with additional newspaper strips dipped in a mixture of flour and water to create the paste.  When the pumpkins form was finished, the students designed faces and cut out the negative space with an x-acto knife.  When the sculptural portion of the project was completed, the students used acrylic paints to complete their piece.

Pumpkin 1

Pumpkin 2

Pumpkin 3

Pumpkin 4

Pumpkin 5

Pumpkin 6

Pumpkin 7

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

3D Spheres!

Students in Miss Church's Studio Art class have created 3 dimensional spheres to hang around the school building.  Students learned about radial design, complementary, and analogous colors.  Students were able to create twelve symmetrical shapes and designs.  Next they assembled all the shapes to create a form. 

Check out some of the students' work in the display case just up the stairs and to the left from the high school main entrance. 

Creating radial design shapes
3D spheres!