Monday, November 17, 2014

Shape to Form

Students in Miss Church's studio art class have been learning how to make a shape look like a form on a 2D surface.  Students learned about artists such as Rembrandt and Cezanne. 

To make circles look like spheres, students had to use different shading techniques, include a horizon line, light source, and shadow.  Students worked with black sharpies, compasses, and watercolor paint.
shading techniques

watercolor wash

Apple Still life

Next, students used apples as their focus to practice their shading and blending techniques. Students were introduced to warm, cool, and neutral color families. We worked with colored pencils and oil pastels. Using the same objectives, students were able to create apples that look like forms on a 2D surface.
apple study in color pencil

apple study in oil pastel

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Students in Ms. Church's studio art class have been learning about negative and positive space, texture, and value! Students created a contour drawing of a bicycle and then made different designs with value to create implied texture.

Here are some examples: