Friday, January 30, 2015


In Mrs. Breidenbach's studio art class students recreated Frank Loyd Wright houses in two point persective.  They then learned how to blend and wash watercolors to produce a vibrant final piece.
Some of these fantastic art pieces are displayed at the Mahopac Public Library on Route 6.  Support the arts and visit the library gallary!

Mr. Boccini!

One Point Perspective

This project utilized a single vanishing point in the center of the page. then geometric and organic shapes were placed around that vanishing point, and connected to the middle.

Ornament Project

During this project, students designed and decorated round ball ornaments. This project was completed in paint and oil pastel.

Charcoal Portraits

During this project students utilized structural drawing of the face using simple shapes, and used learned facial mapping skills to plot out the facial features.

Still Life

during this project, students used a still life reference to draw different objects.

Scribble Action Drawings

Throughout this project, students created structural drawings of people or animals in motion. to show this motion, scribble action (or gesture drawing) was used.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Exploded Value Project

Mr. Boccini's Studio Art classes have been working on a color unit. These projects explore the idea of "Value". Like Joseph Alber's Homage to the Square paintings they use size gradation and value changes to create an optical effect.

The students were free to choose any image that could be recognized as a silhouette. Each project required 10 value changes. Some students opted to include the original image in their project.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

1 & 2 Point Perspective!

In Miss Church's studio art class students have been exploring perspective. During the Renaissance (1450-1600) artists became interested in making two-dimensional artwork look three-dimensional.  The Renaissance began in Italy and spread through Northern Europe.

Students learned how to create a barn in 1 point perspective. They were required to add a fence, texture, and shading techniques in their final art piece.
Ashley H

Erin G

Caitlin Z

2 Point Perspective Treehouses

After the barn project, students learned how to use two vanishing points to create a treehouse in two point perspecitve.   Here students had to add two boxes above the horizon line that overlap each other.  They were required to add in details, texture, value, and color.
Come check out our prespective projects in the hallway between rooms 38 & 42! 
practice drawing

2 point perspective treehouse