Thursday, January 15, 2015

1 & 2 Point Perspective!

In Miss Church's studio art class students have been exploring perspective. During the Renaissance (1450-1600) artists became interested in making two-dimensional artwork look three-dimensional.  The Renaissance began in Italy and spread through Northern Europe.

Students learned how to create a barn in 1 point perspective. They were required to add a fence, texture, and shading techniques in their final art piece.
Ashley H

Erin G

Caitlin Z

2 Point Perspective Treehouses

After the barn project, students learned how to use two vanishing points to create a treehouse in two point perspecitve.   Here students had to add two boxes above the horizon line that overlap each other.  They were required to add in details, texture, value, and color.
Come check out our prespective projects in the hallway between rooms 38 & 42! 
practice drawing

2 point perspective treehouse


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